Awkward Moments of 2021!

Aug 28, 2024

A little laughter is par for the course… 

Awkward Moments of 2021!



(Newsletter can be found here)




  • Sent someone a baby gift for a boy instead of a girl
  • Left a voice message for some who was sitting shiva for their mother how special their father was
  • Showed up at the grocery as a newlywed with hair all clipped up. But no shaitel
  • Introduced myself to a new neighbor and asked them their name and she responded “I already ate by you for a shabbos meal!”
  • Ran to pickup my son from detention without shoes and only tights, and then got called into the principals office for an informal meeting
  • Called in sick to work and then bumped into the boss out for lunch with friends
  • Fell asleep on the window of a Chareidi bus in Israel and the woman behind me pulled open the shade, which Shaitel was stuck on… next thing I know it’s dangling from the window shade up on top
  • In middle of the class, realized I made a careless mistake. In the loudest voice, I screamed “Ani Tipish!!!” in Hebrew, meaning “I am stupid” but it came out sounding like I needed the bathroom! Within seconds, all eyes were on me
  • Was matching dresses with a women 3 (maybe 4!) times my age at my friends wedding
  • Ended a work call with “I love you”  
  • Tried kissing my grandmother’s cheek and ended up kissing on the lips
  • Had a Shidduch question about a boy and texting him the question directly accidentally
  • Trying to speak to the dentist when your mouth is propped open
  • Shared an armrest with someone the entire flight
  • Sent a voicenote to a chat without realizing and I was yelling at my kids
  • The teacher called on me to read out loud but I had no idea where we were up to
  • Started talking to an old friend with so much excitement and then she said “so sorry! But what’s your name again?”
  • Checked my phone after a bunch of hours, and there were no missed calls or texts
  • Tried to hold back a sneeze but it came out with a vengeance
  • Sneeze attacks in the middle of lectures! Tried to leave the room but also didn’t want to lose the sneeze and sneezed so loudly on my way out
  • When yawns are contagious
  • Fell down the 3 front steps on a first date because my mother convinced me to wear heels because the boy was tall
  • Asked someone what they’re wearing to a wedding and they told me they weren’t invited
  • Needed to pass someone walking down the street, so we both went to the right.  Then we both went to the left… and then back again to the right
  • Asked someone four times to repeat themselves and still couldn’t hear them 
  • Not understanding a joke but laughing anyway! And then they told me it‘s not the funny part yet
  • Laughing at a joke - and then a friend asking me to explain it but I really didn’t get it 
  • Didn’t know if a baby was a girl or a boy so had to have the whole conversation without saying he or she
  • Visited a friends house and their parents started yelling at them in front of me
  • Pulled a door harder and harder when it said push, and there was a crowd behind me
  • Realized I’ve been mispronouncing a word/name wrong for my entire life 
  • My teacher yelled at me to stop clicking my pen, but I had to click it one more time to use it.
  • Said goodbye to someone at shul and then realized we’re both walking in the same direction
  • That moment when I needed to put my hand down after waving at someone I thought I knew but didn’t 
  • Held the door opened for someone far away - forcing them to run over 
  • Replied to someone who I thought was talking to me but then I noticed they were wearing an AirPod 
  • Told a funny joke at the table but forgot the punch line halfway through 
  • Grabbed the pole on the subway and ended up holding someone else hand 
  • A: “How are you? B: “Doing well! How about you?” A: “Good thanks! You?”
  • Went in for the hug, when the other person wanted a handshake 
  • Went in to dance with the mother of the bride the same minute as someone else, and the walk of shame back to the circle
  • Calling my mother in law "Mommy" for the first time when I meant to say "Ma"
  • Having a link to my website on my Awkward newsletter that didn’t work! (Yes, that was me! How awkward!) so here it is again! 👇🏻



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