Conversation Cheat Sheets 🙌

Aug 07, 2024
Conversation Cheat Sheets 🙌

A great line that one of my kids once said was when they were in camp, and they called me after a week or so of not being in touch. 

After like thirty seconds or so of this awkward-ish camp/ payphone conversation (the ones that you hear more static and background noise than anything they’re saying) she blurted out to me “I have so much to tell you but nothing to say…!” I can only hear every other word, but this sentence I caught. Luckily. Because I loved it. 

I loved the line because I was able to relate exactly! I honestly had almost nothing to say either… I’m not one to feel speechless but for some reason when the kids call from camp, I suddenly draw a blank on what to talk about. 

There is a lot of truth to the more you speak to someone the more you have what to say. 

As the kids come back into our lives after being in sleep away camp from July, or even if your kids have been around, I prepared a cheat sheet for you of what you can talk to them about. I’m here for you 💪

  •  What/who made you laugh the hardest this summer? 
  •  What’s the nicest thing you’ve seen one person do for another? 
  •  Who in your life would do you a favor with no questions asked?
  •  Who has inspired you? 
  •  Who in your life relies on you for help? 
  •  What part of the day do you look forward to the most? 
  •  How do you know when you’ve made the right decision? 
  •  Do you have summer /life goals? 
  •  What are you most proud of about yourself? 
  •  Who from camp are you grateful to? Write a letter to them and tell them. 
  •  What’s your favorite meal?
  •  What is a healthy habit that you do? / What is a healthy habit that you’d like to start?
  •  Who do you want to be like when you grow up? 
  •  When was the last time you took a risk? 
  •  What is something you have now that you didn’t have a year ago?
  •  Who’s forgiveness are you most grateful for? 
  •  What is one possession that means a lot to you?
  •  What do you appreciate more and more as you get older? 
  •  Has anything bad happened to you that has turned out for the best? 
  •  What do you dislike but still appreciate?
  •  What fears do you hope to overcome? 

Truth be told, I can’t take credit for these awesome questions. I took them from a book I received recently as a gift. It’s a Gratitude Journal… I can’t explain how much I enjoyed asking myself, my fam, and even other people’s kids these questions! Questions upon questions of things to think about as we go through life. Great gift.  Great for dating also!  https://amzn.to/3yiqg2R 

In fact, I asked the following question at supper table tonight: What’s an act of kindness that you did this summer that only you know about?

The response I got: “…Way to make us all feel stupid, Ma!!’ 

… I think I did miss these kids.

💕, Shifi 




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