Laughing Gas and Shidduch Proposals! 💨😂

adar laughing gas purim shidduchim Mar 11, 2025


I had this thought the other day while under the influence of laughing gas at the dentist. By the way, I am a huge believer in laughing gas. I also believe, on some small scale, that it might be the answer to all dental problems. And possibly even all of life’s problems...?! 😶‍🌫️

While I was under the influence (or “under the weather,” as I kept calling it), it occurred to me that people are redting shidduchim ALL WRONG! Before making such a monumental decision about what type of boy/ girl they are looking for, don’t they first really need to know what type of teeth their future children will have?!

Because those dental bills? They add up like nobody’s business! And unfortunately, we don’t get a choice in the matter. It’s not like we can just decide, “Eh, we’re opting out of teeth for that child- it doesn’t fit into our budget!” 😬

So here’s the conclusion I came to (yes, still under the influence and laughing uncontrollably at this point-  as you can see in the picture above!! 😂) Before getting engaged, people need to check out their prospective spouse’s dental history! I mean, how can someone possibly choose a career before knowing if their children will need constant cavities filled, root canals, teeth whitening, braces, and—brace yourself for this newest trend —“gum haircuts”?!!

How can we possibly decide if we want to be or to marry a “1-3, 3-5, 5-7, or 7-10, or forever learner” without knowing exactly how many thousands of dollars a year we will need to set aside for dental bills!! I’m sitting in this dentist chair wondering why I’m the first to suggest that the amount of years that one wants to learn for has to be directly correlated with their teeth genes!! or maybe this has been suggested before at some Asifa that I missed??

Forget “nix the pix” - I’m even thinking we need to get pictures of the grandparents and great-grandparents and analyze their smiles… How were their teeth?? 

Hello! Is this Not Hishtadlus?

I think we all want to avoid this impossible dilemma. One day, it may come down to: Chinuch or Teeth! How can we make that decision without the necessary data??

REALLY! How can someone choose a parnassah path without knowing what’s coming down the genetic pipeline?! 🤣

So, I have a New Proposal: When redting shidduchim, along with the resume, families must exchange dental scans and X-rays. A simple, practical way to make a life choice of who to marry. Hishtadlus!!!


And now the gas is wearing off… but I can’t wait for my next dentist appointment! I will definitely schedule it in Adar!  

משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה!




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